Hello SYV Community,

We hope for everyone's health and safety during these unprecedented times.

We're emailing our local community to let you all know that we will have our farm stand at Roblar Winery open this weekend, Friday through Sunday, while supplies last. Farm stands are considered alongside grocery stores, and we are taking the extra precaution of individually wrapping each piece of produce so that all produce is safe and healthy to eat. 

We will have someone monitoring the stand to ensure there's never too many people in the vicinity at one time and that everyone can stay comfortable in their distanced interactions. 

It's a small thing, but we hope that local, fresh, organically farmed veggies from just next door may bring some joy and feeling of normalcy in otherwise strange times. 

As always, we encourage you to stop by only if you're feeling healthy, are not in an at-risk group, and have not been possibly exposed recently. 

We love our community and hope that in the midst of what feels like scary times, we're able to recognize a new sense of gratitude - for our loved ones, for the small things we have, for the earth and what it provides. 



Connect With Us

R E F U G I O  R A N C H  V I N E Y A R D S
2990 Grand Avenue, Los Olivos, CA
805-697-5289  •  
info@refugioranch.com  •  www.refugioranch.com

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